API Request
This request queries a Scan to Pay transaction and returns the status of the transaction, if available. Please note the business rules and guidelines mentioned in this document should be adhered to to ensure optimal use of this function
Method: POST
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | String | This is the mandatory 10 digit code that was used in the transaction - this must be used for querying the status of reversals and refunds also |
merchantReference | String | This is the mandatory merchant reference that was used when the code was created for the transaction - this must be used for querying the status of reversals and refunds also |
Returns - HTTP 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
transactionId | Long | This is the Scan to Pay system transaction reference. |
reference | String | This is the merchant’s reference associated to the payment. This is used to tie up the payment of the transaction. |
amount | BigDecimal | This is the payment amount. |
currencyCode | String | This is the currency of the amount |
status | String | This is the status of the transaction. Expected responses are: - SUCCESS [Completed successfully] - N/A [Transaction status not available] - END_BANK_NON_00 [Transaction completed but failed at the bank] - END_REVERSED [Reversed successfully] - END_REFUNDED [Refunded successfully – this will only be the status of the last refund transaction if a partial refund was performed] |
clientMsisdn | String | This is the mobile number of the customer who performed the transaction. |
bankResponse | String | This is the actual bank response after the payment has been processed. |
code | String | This is the 10 digit code that was used in the transaction. |
retrievalReferenceNum ber | Long | This is the bank retrieval reference number of the transaction. |
authCode | String | This is the auth code response from the bank. |
date | String | This is the date and time of the transaction in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS:ms |
Sample Request
"code": “1234567890”,
"merchantReference": “test1234”
Sample Responce
transactionId: 12345 reference: "test1234" amount: 12 currencyCode: "ZAR" code: "1234567890"
status: "SUCCESS" clientMsisdn: "27832006283"
retrievalReferenceNumber: 232425 authCode: "ABC123" bankResponse: "00"
date: "2013-11-01 10:21:05.0"
"code": "3057440715",
"merchantReference": "D5FF8DCD6DBABD190FEFA8EEA98DCC5F"
Sample Responce
"transactionId": 13177,
"reference": "D5FF8DCD6DBABD190FEFA8EEA98DCC5F",
"amount": 125.88, "currencyCode": "ZAR", "code": "3057440715", "status": "END_REVERSED",
"clientMsisdn": "27747842778",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": 12920, "authCode": "ABC123", "bankResponse": "00",
"date": "2015-03-31 07:41:46.0"
"code": "9973144992",
"merchantReference": "12312222test"
Sample Responce
"transactionId": 13154, "reference": "12312222test", "amount": 20, "currencyCode": "ZAR", "code": "9973144992", "status": "END_REFUNDED",
"clientMsisdn": "27747842778",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": 12899, "authCode": "ABC123", "bankResponse": "00",
"date": "2015-03-30 12:13:16.0"
Updated over 2 years ago