Response Codes

ISO Response CodeISO Response MessageSuggested Client Message
0Approved or completed successfullySuccess
1Refer To Card Issuer Client Contact Issuing BankPlease contact your bank
2Refer To Card IssuerPlease contact your bank
3Invalid MerchantPlease contact your bank
4Pick-Up CardPlease contact your bank
5Do Not HonourPlease contact your bank
6ErrorPlease contact your bank
7Pick-Up Card, Special ConditionPlease contact your bank
9Request In ProgressPlease contact your bank
10Invalid TransactionPlease contact your bank
11Invalid TransactionPlease contact your bank
12Invalid TransactionPlease contact your bank
13Invalid AmountPlease contact your bank
14Invalid Card NumberPlease contact your bank
15No Such IssuerPlease contact your bank
17Operator CancelledPlease contact your bank
18Customer DisputePlease contact your bank
19Re Enter TransactionPlease contact your bank
21No action takenPlease contact your bank
22Suspected MalfunctionPlease contact your bank
23Unacceptable Transaction FeePlease contact your bank
24File Update Not SupportedPlease contact your bank
25Unable To Locate RecordPlease contact your bank
26Duplicate RecordPlease contact your bank
27File Update Edit ErrorPlease contact your bank
28File Update File LockedPlease contact your bank
30File Update FailedPlease contact your bank
31Bank Not SupportedPlease contact your bank
32Completed PartiallySuccess
33Expired Card, Pick-UpExpired Card
34Suspected Fraud, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank
35Contact Acquirer, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank
36Restricted Card, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank
39No Credit AccountPlease contact your bank
40Function Not SupportedPlease contact your bank
41Lost Card (Contact Bank)Please contact your bank
42No Universal AccountPlease contact your bank
43Stolen CardPlease contact your bank
51Insufficient FundsInsufficient Funds
52No Check AccountInvalid Account
53No Savings AccountInvalid Account
54Expired Card (Contact Bank)Expired Card
55Incorrect PINIncorrect Bank Card PIN
56No Card Record Invalid Card
57Transaction Not Permitted To CardholderPlease contact your bank
59Suspected FraudPlease contact your bank
60Contact AcquirerPlease contact your bank
61Exceeds Withdrawal LimitLimit exceeded, please increase your online purchase limit
62Restricted CardPlease contact your bank
63Security ViolationPlease contact your bank
64Original Amount IncorrectPlease contact your bank
65Exceeds Withdrawal FrequencyPlease contact your bank
67Hard CapturePlease contact your bank
68Response Received Too LatePlease try again later. If the issue persists, contact your bank
75PIN Tries ExceededPlease contact your bank
76Approved Country ClubPlease contact your bank
77Intervene, Bank Approval RequiredPlease contact your bank
78Intervene, Bank Approval RequiredPlease contact your bank
79Approved Administrative TransactionPlease contact your bank
80Approved National Negative File Hit OKPlease contact your bank
82No Security ModulePlease contact your bank
83Maximum Refund credit Limit exceededPlease contact your bank
85PBF Update ErrorPlease contact your bank
87Bad Track 2Please contact your bank
88PTLF ErrorPlease contact your bank
89Invalid Route ServicePlease contact your bank
90Cut-Off In ProgressPlease contact your bank
91Issuer Or Switch InoperativeYour bank is unavailable
93Violation Of LawPlease contact your bank
94Duplicate TransactionPlease contact your bank
96Communication System MalfunctionPlease contact your bank
97Communication Error, Cannot Connect To InternetPlease contact your bank
98Exceeds Cash LimitPlease contact your bank
A0Invalid TerminalThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A1No Events AvailableThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A2No Breakdown Levels AvailableThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A3Authorization Unsuccessful - Insufficient InventoryThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A4Authorization Unsuccessful - Could Not Locate InventoryThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A5Advice Unsuccessful - Invalid Transaction IDThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A7Advice Unsuccessful - Velocity Lines ExceededThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
A9Routing ErrorThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
AAMessage Decode ErrorThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
ABSystem MalfunctionThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
ACResponse Received Too LateThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
ADRefer to extended response code in messageThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
AEMessage Sequence Error.There is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
AFGateway Authorization FailureThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
B0Functionality Not SupportedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
B1Invalid Issue Confirmation Reference B2, No Reconciliation Entries FoundThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N0Unable To Authorise / Card Type Incorrect I.E. Credit Not Debit Please Redo As Correct TypeThe card number you provided is invalid according to your bank, please try again
N1Invalid PAN LengthThe card number you provided is invalid according to your bank, please try again
N2Preauthorisation FullThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N3Maximum Online Refund ReachedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N4Maximum Off-Line Refund ReachedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N6Maximum Refund Credit ReachedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N7Customer Selected Negative File ReasonThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N8Over Floor LimitThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
N9Maximum Number Refund CreditsThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
O1NEG File ProblemThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
O2Advance Less Than MinimumThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
O3DelinquentThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
O4Over Limit TableThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
O5PIN RequiredThe PIN number you provided is incorrect, please enter your ATM Bank PIN number on your App
O6Mod 10 CheckThe card number you provided is invalid according to your bank, please try again
O7Force PostThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
O8Bad PBFThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P0CAF ProblemThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P1Over Daily LimitThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P2CAPF Not FoundThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P3Advance Less Than MinimumThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P4Number Of Times UsedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P5DelinquentThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P6Over Limit TableThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P7Advance Less Than MinimumThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P8Administrative Card NeededThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
P9Enter Lesser AmountLimit exceeded, please increase your online purchase limit on your Banking App, Internet Banking or nearest Branch
Q0Invalid Transaction DateThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q1Invalid Expiration DateThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q3Advance Less Than MinimumThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q4Number Of Times UsedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q5DelinquentThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q6Over Limit TableThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q7Amount Over MaximumThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q8Administrative Card Not FoundThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
Q9Administrative Card Not AllowedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R0Approved Administrative Request -In WindowThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R1Approved Administrative Request -Out Of WindowThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R2Approved Administrative Request -AnytimeThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R3Chargeback-Customer File UpdatedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R4Chargeback-Customer File Updated -Acquirer Not FoundThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R5Chargeback-Incorrect Prefix NumberThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R7Administrative Transactions Not SupportedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
R8Card On National Negative FileThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
S4PTLF FullThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
S5Chargeback-Approved, Customer File Not UpdatedThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
S6Chargeback-Approved, Customer File Not Updated, Acquirer Not FoundThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
S7Chargeback-Accepted, Incorrect DestinationThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
S8ADMN File ProblemThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
S9Unable To Validate PINThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T1Invalid Credit Card Advance AmountThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T2Invalid Transaction DateThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T3Card Not SupportedYour bank is not supported for this service
T4Amount Over MaximumThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T5CAF Status = 0 Or 9There is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T6Bad UAFThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T7Cash Back Exceeds Daily LimitThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank
T8Multiple Invalid Required FieldsThere is an error in processing your payment, please contact your bank