Transaction Details

PostBridge Transactions

Other than the standard purchase transaction details it is necessary to take note of the following:

AMT Transactions

a. DE 22: “821”
b. DE 35: “cardnumber=expiry120” – padded with zero at the end - length 37
c. DE 52: PIN block must be present d. DE 123: "21050001413C021"

a. DE 22: “821”
b. DE 35: cardnumber=expiry101 – padded with zero at the end – length 37
c. DE 52: PIN block must be present d. DE 123: "21050001413C021"

3D Secure (all cards)
a. DE 22: “012”
b. DE 123: "160450165100092"
c. DE 127.29: XidCavv
d. DE 127.32: 2Cavv
b. Base24/BIC ISO transactions

Base24/BIC ISO transactions

AMT Transactions

Debit – International BIN
a. DE 22: “821”
b. DE 35: “cardnumber=expiry120” – padded with zero at the end - length 37
c. DE 52: PIN block must be present
d. De 63: "& 0000500126! C400012 203000100012! C000026 CVV 7 1 ! 0400023 N 1 ! F400014 0102101"

Debit – Other local BIN
a. DE 22: “821”
b. DE 35: “cardnumber=expiry120” – padded with zero at the end - length 37
c. DE 52: PIN block must be present
d. De 63: "& 0000400088! C400012 203000100012! B400020 021500 0 ! F400014 01101"

Credit - International BIN
a. DE 22: “821”
b. DE 35: “cardnumber=expiry101” – padded with zero at the end - length 37
c. DE 52: PIN block must be present
d. De 63: "& 0000300069! C400012 203000100012! C000025 CVV 7 1"

Credit – Other local BIN
a. DE 22: “821”
b. DE 35: “cardnumber=expiry101” – padded with zero at the end - length 37
c. DE 52: PIN block must be present
d. De 63: "& 0000400094! C400012 203000100012! C000026 CVV 7 1 1! F400014 01101"

3D Secure (all cards)
a. DE 22: “010”
b. DE 35: “cardnumber=expiry”
c. De 63: "& 0000400160! C600080 %s! C400012 102510000660! C000026 CVV 000 5 1 202" - %s is secure
code data.