Code Management


Generate a transactional code that can then be paid for by a cardholder. This code can be represented as a QR code, transferred using NFC or manually entered into a device. The code can also be used as part of an In App payment.



amountBigDecimalThis is mandatory. To use a variable amount use 0 as the amount. The currency is tied to the merchant setup.
merchantReferenceStringThis is a mandatory merchant reference. Use this to link this code to a transaction.
expiryDateLongThis is optional. If this is empty the code will by default expire in 30 minutes from issue. If this value is 0 the code will never expire. This time is specified in epoch.
useOnceBooleanThis is optional. Default is true. If you want to reuse the same code multiple times set this to false.
limitBasketStringThis is an optional parameter. It also allows limits to be checked if the destination msisdn and item type is specified. The itemType can be either AIRTIME or AIRTIME_BUNDLE. The merchant account needs to be enabled to allow limits to be checked. This parameter cannot be used with a variable amount or if useOnce is true or with partial payments. If cartItems is used then the parameters to be used is as follows:[{description:USB Mouse, quantity:1,value:50.00,imageURL: za/item1.png}],[{description:Airtime Purchase,quantity:1, value:30.00,imageURL:,destination:2783123456 7,itemType:AIRTIME}],[{description:Bundle Purchase,quantity:1, value:100.00,imageURL:,destination:2782123456 7,itemType:AIRTIME_BUNDLE}]
shortDescriptionStringThis is a mandatory parameter. This will be displayed to the consumer at the time a code is scanned. Length is 5 to 45 characters
requestPartialPaymentBooleanThis is an optional parameter. If present the consumer will be allowed to edit the amount before payment.
requestTipBooleanThis is an optional parameter. If present the consumer will be prompted to enter a tip amount. In order to use the requestTip function requestPartialPayment must also be set to true.
subMerchantNameStringThis is an optional parameter. To be used if there is a sub-merchant linked to the original merchant. This will be displayed on the consumer's bank statement if supported by the merchant's acquirer.
terminalIdStringThis is an optional parameter. It allows an additional terminal id or application id to be sent on the purchase transaction to the acquirer. Please note this terminal id will replace the terminal id used in the original merchant configuration and could therefore cause bank settlement issues.
smsNotifyStringThis is an optional parameter. It allows SMS notifications to be sent at code level. A maximum of 3 msisdns (mobile numbers) is permitted and must be sent in international format. Must be comma separated.
emailNotifyStringThis is an optional parameter. It allows email notifications to be sent at code level. A maximum of 5 email addresses is permitted. Must be comma separated.
rrn2StringThis is an optional parameter. This is a secondary RRN in cases where merchants require an additional RRN value passed back besides the bank RRN. Must be 12 characters left filled with zeroes.

Sample Requests


amount: 10,
merchantReference:  TestMerchRef12, shortDescription: Basket of Goods

With limit Basket and Sub-Merchant

amount: 1000,
merchantReference:  TestMerchRef10, shortDescription: Basket of Goods, expiryDate: 0,
subMerchantName: The Shop, terminalId: 0000KFB1, requestPartialPayment:  true, requestTip: true,
useOnce: false, limitBasket:
{destination:27832006283, itemType:AIRTIME, amount: 500.00

With extra notifications and Sub-Merchant

amount: 10,
merchantReference:  TestMerchRef11, shortDescription: Basket of Goods, expiryDate: 0,
subMerchantName: The Shop, terminalId: 0000KFB1,
smsNotify: [27832006283,27832229174],
emailNotify: [,], useOnce: false

Returns – HTTP 200

codeStringThis is the result code
expiryDateLongDate until the code is valid. This is in epoch time.

Sample Requests

code: 8227541409,
expiryDate: 1375293705000


Http ResponseDescription
400Missing parameter or not valid JSON.
403Invalid merchant login details or merchant suspended.
440Validation error.
500General system error.
512General system error.

Query Code

Delete a code that has been created

URL STRUCTURE /code/{code}


{code}StringThe code that is being deleted.

Returns – HTTP 200

amountStringStringThis is the formatted amount with the currency symbol or blank/null if variable amount.
currencyStringThis is the currency for the amount. Eg. ZAR
merchantReferenceStringThe merchant supplied reference.
expiryDateLongDate until the code is valid. This is in epoch time.
useOnceBooleanIndicates if this code is reusable.
merchantNameStringThe merchant name.
ShortDescriptionStringA short description of the product.
productURLStringThe product URL. This is optional.

Sample Requests

amountString: R 10.50, merchantReference: t0002, expiryDate: 1375293705000, useOnce: true,
merchantName: Merchant One, shortDescription: Samsung Galaxy S4, productURL: null,
extra: null


Http ResponseDescription
431The code does not exist.
439The code is not valid code.
512General System Error.

Delete Code

Query a code that has been created.

URL STRUCTURE /code/{code} '


{code}StringThe code that is being queried.

Returns – HTTP 200

amountStringStringThis is the formatted amount with the currency symbol or blank/null if variable amount.
currencyStringThis is the currency for the amount. Eg. ZAR
merchantReferenceStringThe merchant supplied reference.
expiryDateLongDate until the code is valid. This is in epoch time.
useOnceBooleanIndicates if this code is reusable.
merchantNameStringThe merchant name.
ShortDescriptionStringA short description of the product.
productURLStringThe product URL. This is optional.


Http ResponseDescription
431The code does not exist.
439The code is not valid code.
512General System Error.
512General system error.

Update Code

Update a previously created code. The changes will take effect immediately.

URL STRUCTURE /code/{code}


AmountBigDecimalThis is optional. If it is left blank the code will have a variable amount
merchantReferenceBigDecimalThis is a mandatory merchant reference. Use this to link this code to a transaction in the merchant system.
expiryDateLongThis is optional. If this is empty the code will by default expire in 30 minutes from issue. If this value is 0 the code will never expire. This time is specific in epoch.
useOnceBooleanThis is optional. Default is true. If you want to reuse the same code multiple times set this to false.
shortDescriptionStringThis is a mandatory short description. This must be 5 to 45 in length.
productURLStringThis is an optional product URL. This must be the full URL starting with http or https.

Returns – HTTP 200

amountStringStringThis is the formatted amount with the currency symbol or blank/null if variable amount.
currencyStringThis is the currency for the amount. Eg. ZAR
merchantReferenceStringThe merchant supplied reference.
expiryDateLongDate until the code is valid. This is in epoch time.
useOnceBooleanIndicates if this code is reusable.
merchantNameStringThe merchant name.
ShortDescriptionStringA short description of the product.
productURLStringThe product URL. This is optional.
limitBasketStringThis is an optional parameter. It allows limits to be applied to the basket when sent on the request for airtime and bundles. This parameter comprises of destination which is the mobile number for which the top-up will be done; amount for each basket item and itemType referes to either AIRTIME or AIRTIME_BUNDLE. It can only be used if useOnce is true.

Sample Requests

amount: 10.5, merchantReference: t0002, expiryDate: 1375293705696, useOnce: true,
shortDescription: Samsung Galaxy S4


Http ResponseDescription
400Missing parameter or not valid JSON.
403Invalid merchant login details or merchant suspended.
440Validation Error.
500General System Error.
512General System Error.
513The code does not belong to the merchant requesting the delete.

Block Code

This is an API call to temporarily block a code. This prevents purchases on the code.

URL STRUCTURE /code/{code}/block


{code}StringThe code that is being blocked.

Sample Requests


Http ResponseDescription
431The code does not exist.
439The code is not valid code.
512General System Error.
513General System Error.

Unblock Code

This unblocks a blocked code. This call enables future purchases on that code.

URL STRUCTURE /code/{code}/unblock


{code}StringThe code that is being unblocked.

Sample Requests


Http ResponseDescription
431The code does not exist.
439The code is not valid code.
512General System Error.
513General System Error.

Update Code Amount

This updates only the amount for a given code. This is done generally when the code is static

URL STRUCTURE /code/{code}/amount


{code}StringThe code that is being unblocked.
amountBigDecimalThe new amount for that code
expiryDateLongThis is optional. If this is empty the code will by default expire in 30 minutes from issue. This time is specified in epoch.

Sample Requests

amount: 20.5


Http ResponseDescription
431The code does not exist.
439The code is not valid code.
512General System Error.
513The code does not belong to the merchant requesting the delete.