Customer Disputes Process

Business Rules

1The internal existing processes within the specific acquiring bank will remain exactly the same.
2Access and training will be given to the relevant business units within the acquiring bank so that they will be equipped to handle all Scan to Pay disputes.
3UKheshe/Oltio will provide necessary guidance as and when necessary, however as access to the relevant systems will be given to the bank UKheshe/Oltio will not be involved in the Dispute Resolution process.

Agent Bank Dispute Process


Agent Bank Dispute Process

Use Cases

Brief descriptionActorsTrigger Event:
This relates to disputes by customers for transactions appearing on their bank statements for a Scan to Pay purchase ONLY!Customer
Chargebacks and Disputes Department
Fraud Claims Unit
Customer disputes payment on statement

Scenario 1: Non Scan to Pay Transaction

StepActorAction Description
1CustomerCustomer disputes transaction (Debit / Credit / Cheque)

Form: Statement of Dispute
2Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentReceive Dispute Request
3Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentDetermine what type of transaction this is?
4Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentOn-Us?
Not On-US?
Scan to Pay?
5Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentFollow existing processes as at today
6CustomerReceive outcome

Scenario 2: Resolution without Escalation

StepActorAction Description
1CustomerCustomer disputes transaction (Debit / Credit / Cheque)

Form: Statement of Dispute
2Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentReceive Dispute Request
3Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentDetermine what type of transaction this is?
4Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentOn-Us?
Not On-US?
Scan to Pay?
5Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentInvestigate on the Scan to Pay Portal
6Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentAMT:
Extract Scan to Pay Transaction Certificate
Investigate on Bankserv Portal for UCAF data
7Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentInvestigate outcome, enough information to proceed?
8Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentLog incident & respond to customer with outcome of dispute
9Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentReceive outcome

Scenario 3: Resolution with escalation to the Fraud & Claims Unit

StepActorAction Description
1CustomerCustomer disputes transaction (Debit / Credit / Cheque)

Form: Statement of Dispute
2Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentReceive Dispute Request
3Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentDetermine what type of transaction this is?
4Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentOn-Us?
Not On-US?
Scan to Pay?
5Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentInvestigate on the Scan to Pay Portal
6Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentAMT:
Extract Scan to Pay Transaction Certificate
Investigate on Bankserv Portal for UCAF data
7Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentInvestigate outcome, enough information to proceed?
8Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentForward query to Fraud
9Fraud Claims UnitReceive query
10Fraud Claims UnitInvestigate on the Scan to Pay Portal
11Fraud Claims UnitFollow existing processes as at today to investigate and resolve
12Fraud Claims UnitForward feedback to Chargebacks Team
13Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentReceive Feedback
14Chargebacks & Disputes DepartmentLog incident & respond to customer with outcome of dispute
15CustomerReceive outcome