Business Rules
- A username and password must be used to authenticate the API request.
- All requests must be sent over HTTPS.
- All requests use HTTPS digest authentication. For merchants the username is merchant-{merchant id}, example merchant-25. For PSPs the username is psp-{merchant id} - example psp-13, where 13 is the merchant Id that is present on the Scan to Pay Portal.
- The API username and password is available from the Scan to Pay Portal under the API tab - these credentials are the same as those used for sending requests on the Scan to Pay Secure MOTO and Face to Face API.
- Content-Type must be set to application/json.
- Merchants who already have HTTP, Email or SMS notifications won’t be able to use the query notification API.
- For refunds and payments using the same merchant reference and code, only the latest transaction status and details will be sent on the response.
- For querying a reversal the code and merchant reference used for the original purchase must be used.
- If the status of a transaction is not available a N/A status will be returned.
- Unless otherwise specified the field lengths for all the parameters are determined by the parameter types.
Updated over 2 years ago